Cuckfield Life - the community magazine for the village of Cuckfield

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Cuckfield Walking Race gets going

The annual walking race started out in 1927 as a “challenge” between E.Jard and F.Hoadley walking to Bolney and back. They walked “fully” dressed (Collar and Tie). The event has been held each year since, except for the odd break not least of which being during WW2.

There have been several different routes used over the years but the current five mile circular course starts at Cuckfield Rec – Ansty – Deaks Lane – Whitemans Green and finishing back at the Rec. The Independent State of Cuckfield started organising the event in the 1960s.

Some of the older residents can remember prizes such as a roasting joint, sack of coal, cartload of manure etc being awarded but we now have cups and medals for the various individual and team categories.

The event is open to all aged over 16 years but only Cuckfield residents can win any of the individual cups. Teams can be entered by any Cuckfield club, society or institution and can have as many individuals (resident or not) as you like, with the total of the fastest three times counting.

This year the race falls on April Fool’s Day (Mon 1st April), so walkers who choose to can wear fancy dress and the Mayor will award a prize to whichever she judges the best. The entry fee is £2 and walkers can just turn up on the day. Registration is from 9.15 to 9.45am. Competitors start at 10am. For more info email