local advertising west sussex

Land Rover Servicing business successful advertising with us

Barry Pickersgill, director of Sussex Vehicle Services in Burgess Hill, has been kind enough to tell the world how great he has found the advertising with us in Cuckfield Life, Lindfield Life and Hurst Life magazines. 

He says, in the video testimonial: "We’ve tried all sorts of advertising in the past, at great expense to us, but the Cuckfield Life, Hurst Life and Lindfield Life magazines are a very reasonable cost and is working really well for us. We’ve been advertising in it for about four months and the response is very good; probably getting about 2-3 new customers a week. We’re very happy with that!

"We put a voucher on the advert, so we can monitor where new customers come from be it Cuckfield, Lindfield or Hurstpierpoint, and that works really well for us and we know exactly what’s going on."

How do I plan my print advertisement?


A lot of small businesses that advertise with us aren't always sure what should be included on their ad on our pages. If this is the same for you, then do get in touch with us, as we would be delighted to share our Top 10 Tips sheet with you to help you consider it for your own business. 

The video below was filmed by me to give a few of those hints and tips...